Sunday, November 30, 2008

commonweal lab 26

Well, last Monday I lived on only two dollars for the entire day.  It started out badly, because I couldn't even drive to school on two dollars of gas, so I had to take the bus.  It is really easy not to spend money in school.  When I got home, I played some X-box, but my controller ran out of batteries and I thought it would be breaking the rules if I replaced them without buying new ones (for more than $2, most likely), so that was really uncool.  After that I just did homework, watched T.V., and went to bed.
The hardest part of the day was the food situation.  I ate no breakfast, and spent $1.75 on lunch at school.  That wrecked my budget for the whole day, so I could eat nothing after that either.  What a time THAT was.  On the lab, it challenged me to see how many days I could keep that up.  The answer is one, and barely even that.

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